Apartment Demo

View from the entrance
View from the bathroom
The apartment demo is a simple VR experiment I made in a weekend. I was planning to move to a new apartment, but the new apartment was still under construction. I wanted to get an idea of the size of the apartment, so I made a scale replica in Blender.

Part of the reason I made this project was to show people how easily VR can be used to really help in your daily life.

Made in Unity

Made for the Oculus Quest

Made in 4 days

My Work

All of the work on this project was done by me on my own. The furniture used were free assets downloaded from TurboSquid.

My responsibilities during this project:
  • Coming up with the concept
  • Modelling the room to scale
  • Implementing Oculus movement
  • Supporting Oculus hand tracking
  • Making doors open/close when grabbed
  • Simplifying furniture meshes for performance
Opening Doors
This application was meant to be as simple as possible, because it was purely a quick demo to see how the room would look. During development, however, I noticed that it would be siginifcantly more immersive if the doors could actually open/close, which would also give me a much better idea of how the room looks.

The programming for this was fairly simple. I simply gave each door an opened and closed rotation value and made the door move between them when the state was toggled. This led to some directional issues at first (because the door would always open in the positive rotation), but this was quickly solved by giving it a direction variable.

Opening a door with my hand

Apartment Demo


The apartment demo is a simple VR experiment I made in a weekend. I was planning to move to a new apartment, but the new apartment was still under construction. I wanted to get an idea of the size of the apartment, so I made a scale replica in Blender.

Part of the reason I made this project was to show people how easily VR can be used to really help in your daily life.

View from the entrance

View from the bathroom

Made in Unity

For Oculus Quest

Made in 4 days

All of the work on this project was done by me on my own. The furniture used were free assets downloaded from TurboSquid.

  • Coming up with the concept
  • Modelling the room to scale
  • Implementing Oculus movement
  • Supporting Oculus hand tracking
  • Making doors open/close when grabbed
  • Simplifying furniture meshes for performance

Opening Doors

This application was meant to be as simple as possible, because it was purely a quick demo to see how the room would look. During development, however, I noticed that it would be siginifcantly more immersive if the doors could actually open/close, which would also give me a much better idea of how the room looks.

Opening a door with my hand

The programming for this was fairly simple. I simply gave each door an opened and closed rotation value and made the door move between them when the state was toggled. This led to some directional issues at first (because the door would always open in the positive rotation), but this was quickly solved by giving it a direction variable.