Balin's Tomb

Balin's Tomb
Balin's Tomb
An enemy in the tomb
Weapons I modelled
After my experiment with the Battle of Helm's Deep a year back, I wanted to create a game that focusses on meelee combat instead. One of the scenes that was recently imprinted on my mind was the Battle of Balin's Tomb from the Fellowship of the Ring. My initial idea here was to use a troll model and have you battle with that, but this turned out to be quite difficult with the limited physical space in my home, so I decided to save the Troll as a boss.

In the end, it became a simple endless or wave game where Orcs keep coming at you and you have to fight them off with multiple weapons. I used by improved animation and modelling skills a lot this project. One of the things I wanted to do is recreate the Tomb as accurately as possible, without download someone else's assets, so for this project, I built the entire room myself based on some concept art. All the weapons were also made by me. It was a great challenge to focus on modelling instead of programming for once.

Made in Unity

Made for Oculus Quest 2


Balin's Tomb


After my experiment with the Battle of Helm's Deep a year back, I wanted to create a game that focusses on meelee combat instead. One of the scenes that was recently imprinted on my mind was the Battle of Balin's Tomb from the Fellowship of the Ring. My initial idea here was to use a troll model and have you battle with that, but this turned out to be quite difficult with the limited physical space in my home, so I decided to save the Troll as a boss.

In the end, it became a simple endless or wave game where Orcs keep coming at you and you have to fight them off with multiple weapons. I used by improved animation and modelling skills a lot this project. One of the things I wanted to do is recreate the Tomb as accurately as possible, without download someone else's assets, so for this project, I built the entire room myself based on some concept art. All the weapons were also made by me. It was a great challenge to focus on modelling instead of programming for once.

Balin's Tomb
Balin's Tomb
An enemy in the tomb
Weapons I modelled

Made in Unity

Made for Oculus Quest 2
