Embraer Cockpit Training

View from the entrance
View from the bathroom
The Embraer Cockpit Familiarization is a simulation project meant to help starting pilots familiarize the location of all cockpit buttons. It also helps them familiarize procedures.

An MVP for this project was made by the team at KLM Digital Studios. After this, me and two other developers continued development to turn this into a production-ready training application. The exact description of what I did on this can be read below.

Made in Unity

Made for the Oculus Quest


My Work

During my time working on this project, we worked on stability improvements and creating a test system for procedures.

My responsibilities during this project:
  • Developing a system for adding procedures
  • Adding flight procedures
  • Working on a recording system
  • Stability improvements
  • Bug fixes
Pilot Animation Recorder
Many of the procedures in this application require two pilots. Since we weren't building a multiplayer application, we came up with an alternative to make this work. Through a recorder, we can record button presses and other actions and then display these halfway through the procedure.

While I was not the one who made the core system, I took over quickly after the base was done. I was responsible for making this system easy to use for designers, while also making it work well for the procedure system. The UI that can be seen here shows the usability improvements I made.

Animation recorder

Embraer Cockpit Training


The Embraer Cockpit Familiarization is a simulation project meant to help starting pilots familiarize the location of all cockpit buttons. It also helps them familiarize procedures.

An MVP for this project was made by the team at KLM Digital Studios. After this, me and two other developers continued development to turn this into a production-ready training application. The exact description of what I did on this can be read below.

View from the entrance

View from the bathroom

Made in Unity

For Oculus Quest


During my time working on this project, we worked on stability improvements and creating a test system for procedures.

  • Developing a system for adding procedures
  • Adding flight procedures
  • Working on a recording system
  • Stability improvements
  • Bug fixes

Opening Doors

Many of the procedures in this application require two pilots. Since we weren't building a multiplayer application, we came up with an alternative to make this work. Through a recorder, we can record button presses and other actions and then display these halfway through the procedure.

Animation recorder

While I was not the one who made the core system, I took over quickly after the base was done. I was responsible for making this system easy to use for designers, while also making it work well for the procedure system. The UI that can be seen here shows the usability improvements I made.