Helm's Deep VR

View from the entrance
View from the bathroom
When playing games on the Oculus Quest, I noticed a distinct lack of archery games. Being a fan of medieval combat, I decided to make a simple archery game.

I've always been a massive fan of the Lord of the Rings, so when I got the idea to give this game a LOTR setting, it made me really excited. This is purely a fun experiment I work on in my spare time. The development is done alone using existing and self-made assets.

Made in Unity

Made for the Oculus Quest


My Work

All of the work on this project was done by me on my own. The fortress and Uruk-hai models were downloaded under license.

My responsibilities during this project:
  • Coming up with the concept
  • Creating a bow and arrow system
  • Designing multiple UI pages
  • Statistics that track kills, accuracy, score
  • Implementing Oculus movement
  • Creating basic enemy AI
  • Making more complex enemies carry ladders
  • Rigging and animating
Ladder Carriers
In the beginning, this game only had normal enemies running at the ladders. This got repetitive and boring really fast, so I decided to spice this up. Just like in the Lord of the Rings, I made the Uruk-hai carry ladders to create more access points on the walls.

These ladder groups were created with the Unity animation system using a group of enemies underneath. If enough enemies get killed before the group reaches the wall, the ladder gets dropped and the enemies head for a different ladder. Ladders can also be shot down by breaking the support locks when the ladder attaches to the wall.

Uruk-hai placing a ladder and it getting destroyed

Helm's Deep VR


When playing games on the Oculus Quest, I noticed a distinct lack of archery games. Being a fan of medieval combat, I decided to make a simple archery game.

I've always been a massive fan of the Lord of the Rings, so when I got the idea to give this game a LOTR setting, it made me really excited. This is purely a fun experiment I work on in my spare time. The development is done alone using existing and self-made assets.

View from the entrance

View from the bathroom

Made in Unity

For Oculus Quest


All of the work on this project was done by me on my own. The fortress and Uruk-hai models were downloaded under license.

  • Coming up with the concept
  • Creating a bow and arrow system
  • Designing multiple UI pages
  • Statistics that track kills, accuracy, score
  • Implementing Oculus movement
  • Creating basic enemy AI
  • Making more complex enemies carry ladders
  • Rigging and animating

Ladder Carriers

In the beginning, this game only had normal enemies running at the ladders. This got repetitive and boring really fast, so I decided to spice this up. Just like in the Lord of the Rings, I made the Uruk-hai carry ladders to create more access points on the walls.

Uruk-hai placing a ladder and it getting destroyed

These ladder groups were created with the Unity animation system using a group of enemies underneath. If enough enemies get killed before the group reaches the wall, the ladder gets dropped and the enemies head for a different ladder. Ladders can also be shot down by breaking the support locks when the ladder attaches to the wall.