KLM Earth AR

KLM Earth is a mobile AR experiment meant to discover the current possibillities of AR. It is made as a proof of concept for an eventual add-on to the KLM app.

This application, as well as the concept, was developed by me and the UI was created based on designs by Mustafa Ahmed, our UI/UX Designer at the time.

Made in Unity

Made with ARCore and ARKit

Made in 2 months

My Work

Since I was the only developer who came up with and worked on this project, almost all work was done by me. The only exclusion being the UI design

My responsibilities during this project:
  • Coming up with the concept
  • Implementing the UI
  • Creating a GPS coordinate reader
  • Handling AR placement
  • Creating a placement animation
  • Programming the splines to connect destinations
  • Making planes follow the splines
Earth spawning
The way the globe should appear was long subject to discussion. I wasn't sure what would work best, but I knew I had to use a way that would make it seem like the earth came out of the real environment. I decided the best way would be to use a portal from space.

Stencil buffer
The challenge with this was that I don't have depth information, so it is very difficult to hide the AR object behind real objects. I went around this by using a stencil buffer. This is practically an invisible plane on the floor that hides objects underneath. By creating a mesh for this and opening the hole for the earth to come true, I made the animation seem more natural.
Portal edge
This still had an issue though. The portal felt very flat and didn't feel like a hole in the floor. I solved this by putting a thin hollow cylinder under the portal, to make it appear to have an edge. I also added a space texture underneath, so it seems like the object came from space.

Stencil Buffer animation

KLM Earth AR


KLM Earth is a mobile AR experiment meant to discover the current possibillities of AR. It is made as a proof of concept for an eventual add-on to the KLM app.

This application, as well as the concept, was developed by me and the UI was created based on designs by Mustafa Ahmed, our UI/UX Designer at the time.

View from the entrance

View from the bathroom

Made in Unity

Made in 2 months

Made with ARCore and ARKit

Since I was the only developer who came up with and worked on this project, almost all work was done by me. The only exclusion being the UI design

  • Coming up with the concept
  • Implementing the UI
  • Creating a GPS coordinate reader
  • Handling AR placement
  • Creating a placement animation
  • Programming the splines to connect destinations
  • Making planes follow the splines

Earth Spawning

The way the globe should appear was long subject to discussion. I wasn't sure what would work best, but I knew I had to use a way that would make it seem like the earth came out of the real environment. I decided the best way would be to use a portal from space.

Earth spawning stencil-buffer animation

Stencil buffer

The challenge with this was that I don't have depth information, so it is very difficult to hide the AR object behind real objects. I went around this by using a stencil buffer. This is practically an invisible plane on the floor that hides objects underneath. By creating a mesh for this and opening the hole for the earth to come true, I made the animation seem more natural.

Portal edge

This still had an issue though. The portal felt very flat and didn't feel like a hole in the floor. I solved this by putting a thin hollow cylinder under the portal, to make it appear to have an edge. I also added a space texture underneath, so it seems like the object came from space.