Old Crow AR

The Old Crow AR application is an application I developed for author Hans Nordsiek. Through a colleague, he contacted me asking for someone with AR development experience for his book, Piloot met de Vijf Strepen.

The app allows people to place an airplane anywhere in the real world and start its engine.

Made in Unity

Made with ARCore and ARKit

Made in 1 month

My Work

The plane we used for this project is a repainted version of a model we purchased online. The model was repainted by artist Marcel Michorius, who did an amazing job. Apart from this, all of the work in this project was done by me.

My responsibilities during this project:
  • Handling AR placement
  • Allowing Plane Engine start/stop
  • UI design
  • UI animations
  • UI implementation
  • Plane scaling/rotation controls
Floor scanning
While creating the floor scanning for this AR system, I noticed that the plane regularly lost tracking when you moved. This was particularly true outside. Since this application is meant to be used outside just as much as inside, I had to figure something out to fix this.

Eventually I solved it by using a trick. Every time a floor is found, I would save the plane data and extend it infinitely. I would then set up the tracking so that whenever it didn't find something, it would use the last plane. This eventually led to the current result, which is much smoother than without this trick.

UI Animations
Since I did this project all on my own, I had to create the UI myself. I hadn't really used Unity's animation system a lot, so this was very new to me. I was surprised by how easily I could create smooth animations that really made the UI feel more alive.

UI sliding animations

Old Crow AR


The Old Crow AR application is an application I developed for author Hans Nordsiek. Through a colleague, he contacted me asking for someone with AR development experience for his book, Piloot met de Vijf Strepen.

The app allows people to place an airplane anywhere in the real world and start its engine.

View from the entrance

View from the bathroom

View from the bathroom

View from the bathroom

Made in Unity

Made in 1 months

Made with ARCore and ARKit

The plane we used for this project is a repainted version of a model we purchased online. The model was repainted by artist Marcel Michorius, who did an amazing job. Apart from this, all of the work in this project was done by me.

  • Handling AR placement
  • Allowing Plane Engine start/stop
  • UI design
  • UI animations
  • UI implementation
  • Plane scaling/rotation controls

Floor Scanning

While creating the floor scanning for this AR system, I noticed that the plane regularly lost tracking when you moved. This was particularly true outside. Since this application is meant to be used outside just as much as inside, I had to figure something out to fix this.

Eventually I solved it by using a trick. Every time a floor is found, I would save the plane data and extend it infinitely. I would then set up the tracking so that whenever it didn't find something, it would use the last plane. This eventually led to the current result, which is much smoother than without this trick.

UI sliding animations

UI Animations

Since I did this project all on my own, I had to create the UI myself. I hadn't really used Unity's animation system a lot, so this was very new to me. I was surprised by how easily I could create smooth animations that really made the UI feel more alive.