Tiles Apart

Tiles Apart is a mobile puzzle game made by a team of students at the end of my second year. Our objective for this project was to create a mobile Puzzle game based on an existing board game.

We based our game on the board game Labyrinth, in which you slide tiles to create paths for your player while obstructing enemy players. In our game, your goal is to reach the end of the level by sliding tiles and solving complex puzzles.

Made in

Winner of the Best IGAD Year 2 Game Award

Made in
2 months

Available for

Available for

My Work

During this project, I was one of three programmers. Me and one of the other programmers had not really used Unity before, so a lot of our time was spent getting used to it.

My responsibilities during this project:
  • System to undo your move
  • Tile highlighting on selection
  • Input handling
  • UI related programming
  • Tile wrapping animation implementation
  • Game stability
Tile wrapping
Tile wrapping is an important part of our game. When tiles slide off on one side, they come back on the other.
This was done using a custom animation graph with a fading material, and can be seen on the gif on the right.

Tile highlighting
Whenever the player touches a tile to select it, all the tiles except the tiles in this row and column are darkened. This is to tell the player which row/column they are actually going to move.
Whenever the player then drags in a specific direction, all the tiles in the other direction are also darkened. This can also be seen on the gif on the right.

Tile highlighting and wrapping

Tiles Apart


Tiles Apart is a mobile puzzle game made by a team of students at the end of my second year. Our objective for this project was to create a mobile Puzzle game based on an existing board game.

We based our game on the board game Labyrinth, in which you slide tiles to create paths for your player while obstructing enemy players. In our game, your goal is to reach the end of the level by sliding tiles and solving complex puzzles.


Made in Unity

Made in 2 months

Winner of the
Best IGAD Year 2 Game Award

During this project, I was one of three programmers. Me and one of the other programmers had not really used Unity before, so a lot of our time was spent getting used to it.

  • System to undo your move
  • Tile highlighting on selection
  • Input handling
  • UI related programming
  • Tile wrapping animation implementation
  • Game stability

Tile wrapping

Tile wrapping is an important part of our game. When tiles slide off on one side, they come back on the other.
This was done using a custom animation graph with a fading material, and can be seen on the gif on the right.

Tile highlighting and wrapping

Tile highlighting

Whenever the player touches a tile to select it, all the tiles except the tiles in this row and column are darkened. This is to tell the player which row/column they are actually going to move.
Whenever the player then drags in a specific direction, all the tiles in the other direction are also darkened. This can also be seen on the gif on the right.